Not since Henry Kissinger fled a team of LaRouche organizers, in the back of a delivery truck in New York City's Central Park in the early 1980s, has an obese fascist moved so fast to escape an angry crowd, as Al Gore did today in Chicago. Appearing at a bookstore in the downtown Loop, Gore was confronted by a team of demonstrators from a grass roots group called "We Are Change," as he was signing his latest fascist screed on the global warming swindle. Gore bolted from the bookstore, raced down an alley, jumped into a waiting car, and tried to speed off, with protesters chasing after him and banging on the car. Midwest LYM organizers, who were also on the scene to confront the global warming swindler, provided an eyewitness account of Fat Albert's flight of fear.
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could Kick-Start Iran War
Former National Security Advisor and founding member of the Trilateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski tacitly warned a Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week that an attack on Iran could be launched following a staged provocation in Iraq or a false flag terror attack within the U.S.
Brzezinski alluded to the potential for the Bush administration to manufacture a false flag Gulf of Tonkin type incident in describing a "plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran," which would revolve around "some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
Read Disturbing Article
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
EU President Van Rompuy wants the EU to Run on CO2
Little is known about European Union President Herman Van Rompuy, but what is known is that he attended several Bilderberg meetings and was elected not by the people but by the elite.
'Much of his wish list may have been drearily familiar ever since the Addenino report of 1985: more flying of the "ring of stars" flag, more singing of the "European anthem", EU number plates on cars, EU identity cards. But the one thing the EU has needed to make its powers complete, and which not even its Constitution could give, was the power to levy its own direct taxes. It is no accident that this is now at the top of Mr Van Rompouy's list – nor that the way in which he plans to raise those taxes is by levying new charges on every kind of activity that emits CO2.'
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Instead of fixing the economy or creating jobs for Americans,Obama will spend the money in Afghanistan and Iraq
American President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Barrack Hussein Obama is about to deploy thousands of new soldiers to Afghanistan and could cost up to 1 million dollars per soldier, according to the White House. Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says that the Iraq war will cost $3-5 trillion dollars.
America is in the most severe unemployment crisis since - and perhaps including - the Great Depression.
And yet Obama, like Bush, has done virtually nothing to create more jobs. Instead, they both gave trillions to the biggest banks (who are not loaning it out to the little guy) and for waging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama is apparently escalating - not ending - the wars. And its not cheap.
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America is in the most severe unemployment crisis since - and perhaps including - the Great Depression.
And yet Obama, like Bush, has done virtually nothing to create more jobs. Instead, they both gave trillions to the biggest banks (who are not loaning it out to the little guy) and for waging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama is apparently escalating - not ending - the wars. And its not cheap.
Read entire article
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Main Stream Media really Silent about Mossad MicroBiologist Joseph Moshe,his warnings,and the standoff
Mossad MicroBiologist Joseph Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
Joseph Moshe was involved in a standoff with police and even Secret Service in Los Angeles in what is now known as the "Westwood Standoff".
Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He remained very calm in his car as the video footage shows of his arrest.
The Main Stream Media at the time was reporting that he was a nut job and was making threats to the white house but in fact informed the White House that he was going to inform the public with the information about the Bioweapon vaccine produced in the Ukraine.
When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it.
His Profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii.
ALERT!! Watch this Important Video !!!!!
Joseph Moshe was involved in a standoff with police and even Secret Service in Los Angeles in what is now known as the "Westwood Standoff".
Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He remained very calm in his car as the video footage shows of his arrest.
The Main Stream Media at the time was reporting that he was a nut job and was making threats to the white house but in fact informed the White House that he was going to inform the public with the information about the Bioweapon vaccine produced in the Ukraine.
When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it.
His Profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii.
Joseph Moshe was soon after his arrest sent or let go to Israel. Nothing has been heard from him since. The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain or arrest him. Mounted on top of a large black vehicle used in his arrest was a microwave weapon that possibly damaged the electronics in Moshe’s car as well as any communication devices he had which might have been used to contact the media or others who could help him.
Moshe did not suffer the same effects of the gas and pepper spray that others would have because he had built up an immunity to such weapons as a by-product of his Mossad training. Moshe was not handcuffed because he was not placed under arrest.
Does this sound like an insane conspiracy theory? Sure it does. Due to the scarcity and anonimity of the sources we would dismiss it as exactly that, if it weren’t for some uncomfortable facts: Baxter Pharmaceutical has been caught, red handed, in spreading a live, genetically engineered H5N1 Bird flu vaccine as a lethal biological weapon all over the world, destined to be used for human vaccinations. This happened just a few months ago. And only luck prevented a global catastrophe of epic proportions.
Baxter International Inc. had mixed live, genetically engineered avian flue viruses in vaccine material shipped to 18 countries. Only by sheer luck, a Czech laboratory decided to test the vaccine on a dozen ferrets, which all died in days. The World Health Organization was notified and catastrophe was averted. This was clearly a deliberate act on Baxter’s part, because they adhere to BS3, bio-safety level three. Baxter admitted a “mistake”. Such monumental screwups are totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged, many key personell would have needed to be bribed. It simply can’t be done without direction from the inside. They did not send out the wrong vial – they produced dozens of gallons of biological-weapon agent (genetically engineered live H5N1 / Bird flu virus), then sent it out as a “vaccine”.
Baxter knew full well that their vaccine was lethal, because the year before they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result.
This man Knew Baxter was lacing 'flu vaccine' with deadly virus in the Ukraine; destination EUROPE!
ALERT!! Watch this Important Video !!!!!
Tupac and breaking the oath of Baphomet
For those who don't know about the forces that dwell and control not only the Hip-Hop Industry but the entire music industry as a whole, these are short clips of Tupac Shakur while under the oath of Baphomet.
Love & Hospitality from Gods Chosen People
Gittin 57a. Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."
Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.
Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come.
Teachings from the Jewish Talmud
Mind Controlled Slave Lady Gaga to perform for Draconian Queen Of England
In her last performance she pretended to stab herself while playing the piano and then hung from the ceiling,covered in blood. I think it's the Queens type of show!
Israeli Spokesman makes an Ass of himself while questioned about War Crimes
Warning! This video may be revolting to viewers.
Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Just some of the teachings from the Jewish Talmud
Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Just some of the teachings from the Jewish Talmud
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Favourite to be EU president/ Bilderberg attendee backs European national anthem
“Apart from the euro, also other national symbols need to be replaced by European symbols (licence plates, identity cards, presence of more EU flags, one time EU sports events, …).”
Mr Van Rompuy suggested a compromise to placate any anger at the perceived dilution of national pride. The manifesto continued: “In order to preserve unity in diversity a national reference can be preserved (as on the national side of euro coins).”
Read Disturbing Article
Read Disturbing Article
Guess who's name is mentioned for meeting up in secret meetings with the Bilderbergs?
That's right, Mr Van Rompuy ! Guess who's name is mentioned for meeting up in secret meetings with the Bilderbergs?
(A.K.A.) Favourite to be EU president
The Meanings behind Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance"
The song starts with a weird chant that goes
Want your bad romance
Want your bad romance
Bad Romance is the first single out of Gaga’s Fame Monster album. If you look back at her past works, the main message of her music is that she is willing to do anything, even sacrifice herself, to obtain fame. The video continues in the same vein by depicting Gaga as a willing victim in the music industry’s shady inner-workings. She wants to live a Bad Romance with the abusive, cruel and satanic music industry. She’s aware of all of its flaws but she still desires to be part of it more than anything else. She is a Fame Monster…she feeds from fame…she enjoys being famous…if she is not famous, she’ll die or something…you get the picture. At face value, the song lyrics seem to be about her wanting to get “banged” by a kind of psychopath, but the video reveals that the psychopath is in fact the music industry.
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'Road trains' get ready to roll
An EU-financed research project is looking at inexpensive ways of getting vehicles to travel in a 'platoon' on Europe's motorways.
Each road train could include up to eight separate vehicles - cars, buses and trucks will be mixed in each one.
The EU hopes to cut fuel consumption, journey times and congestion by linking vehicles together.
Early work on the idea suggests that fuel consumption could be cut by 20% among those cars and trucks travelling behind the lead vehicle.
Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill ?
"Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.” Read More
Israel gaffe reveals 'Iran ship photos' were forged
After Israel released photos it said proved that a huge shipment of weapons for Hezbollah came from Tehran, Iranian news agencies publish evidence showing that the photos are forged.
Israeli naval sources recently claimed that they found a large cache of Iranian-made arms when they stormed a vessel near Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea.
They claimed that the ship was heading for the Hezbollah resistance movement, either in Lebanon or Syria.
Iran instantly dismissed the claims, issuing a statement with which it condemned Israel's many acts of piracy in international waters.
But the Israeli government persisted in its accusations, releasing what it claimed to be photos and documents in an effort to implicate the Iranian government in the matter.
The photos and documents were carried by a number of leading newspapers in the West, including The Los Angeles Times.
"The Israeli regime has made a fool of itself with regards to what it claims to be evidence that Iran was sending weapons to Hezbollah," IRNA news agency said on Monday.
"Take a close look at the photos, one of which merely shows a couple of boxes labeled 'Ministry of Sepah' without providing corroborative evidence that they came from Iran, and you will see the huge gaffe committed by Israel," it added. Read More
Blackout: Military Personnel Banned From H1N1 Vaccine Sites
With a vaccine that was so new and little known about it, like many Americans, troops were heading to the web to find answers to their very legitimate questions -- not only for themselves, but for their families who have the option of receiving the vaccine on base. What they found instead is that several websites and blogs with key information asking critical questions had been blocked from their viewing.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Whoppi Goldberg Defends Roman Child Molester Polanski
“I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like ‘You know what, this guy’s going to give me a hundred years in jail I’m not staying,’ so that’s why he left.”
Actually Whoppi, It was"Rape Rape"!
If you don't believe me well then here is the CA Penal Code
So once again, it was "Rape Rape!"
It is sickening to see and to listen to people defend such acts and to be qouted as saying, "But it happened 30 years ago!"
Should we forget crimes after 30 plus years? I don’t hear Polanski saying to let Charlie Manson go. Has Roman forgiven Charlie for murdering his wife?
"It wasn't rape-rape"
Whoppi..You're an Idiot!!
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
Teachings from the Jewish Talmud
Actually Whoppi, It was"Rape Rape"!
If you don't believe me well then here is the CA Penal Code
So once again, it was "Rape Rape!"
It is sickening to see and to listen to people defend such acts and to be qouted as saying, "But it happened 30 years ago!"
Should we forget crimes after 30 plus years? I don’t hear Polanski saying to let Charlie Manson go. Has Roman forgiven Charlie for murdering his wife?
"It wasn't rape-rape"
Whoppi..You're an Idiot!!
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
Teachings from the Jewish Talmud
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Georgia Finally Blamed for the 2008 War
MOSCOW, Sept 30 (Reuters) - The findings of a long-awaited EU report on last year's Georgia-Russia war are likely to hurt Tbilisi more than Moscow.
Both sides were quick to claim the report justified their own interpretations of the five-day war. Moscow focused on the finding that Georgia began hostilities while Tbilisi preferred the finding that months of provocation preceded the war.
But the phrase most likely to resonate is the comment by Heidi Tagliavini, head of the fact-finding mission, that "it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008".
Generally compliant domestic television channels will ensure that viewers in both Georgia and Russia see only their respective governments' spin on the report.
But the international implications of the findings will be harder to control -- and these tend to favour Russia.
The mission firmly rejected the main justification for the attack offered by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, saying flatly that "there was no massive Russian military invasion under way, which had to be stopped by Georgian military forces shelling Tskhinvali".
Read entire article
Both sides were quick to claim the report justified their own interpretations of the five-day war. Moscow focused on the finding that Georgia began hostilities while Tbilisi preferred the finding that months of provocation preceded the war.
But the phrase most likely to resonate is the comment by Heidi Tagliavini, head of the fact-finding mission, that "it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008".
Generally compliant domestic television channels will ensure that viewers in both Georgia and Russia see only their respective governments' spin on the report.
But the international implications of the findings will be harder to control -- and these tend to favour Russia.
The mission firmly rejected the main justification for the attack offered by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, saying flatly that "there was no massive Russian military invasion under way, which had to be stopped by Georgian military forces shelling Tskhinvali".
Read entire article
Get Vaccinated or Lose your Job!!!
New York Health Care workers Revolt against Forced Vaccinations!
“There were some deaths in 1976″
Certain questions not only have to be asked but they must be answered!
1.What is the American Police Force
2. Who funds the American Police Force?
3.Why do they have a Double Headed Eagle?
4.Why is the logo the Serbinan Crest ?
Here are some important videos on American Police Force!
1.What is the American Police Force
2. Who funds the American Police Force?
3.Why do they have a Double Headed Eagle?
4.Why is the logo the Serbinan Crest ?
Here are some important videos on American Police Force!
Warning!!! Internment Camp (A.K.A.) "FEMA CAMP" in Hardin, Montana
A CNN report on the $27 million dollar facility in Hardin Montana states that it could become “Gitmo West” and be filled with detainees from Guantanamo Bay and other terrorists. Since a majority of the American people have now been designated as potential domestic terrorists by the federal government, fears are growing that the prison camp will be used to incarcerate citizens against their will during a flu pandemic or any other declared emergency.
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Read Shocking Article
Globe puts out Obama Enemy Hit List and Alex Jones is on it
Source: infowars
As reported earlier today on the Alex Jones Show, the Globe has published what appears to be an enemies list drawn up by Obama at the urging his wife and former president Clinton. In addition to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and oddly Dick Cheney, the list includes Alex Jones. Alex was included for his films, The Obama Deception and the forthcoming Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama.
As reported earlier today on the Alex Jones Show, the Globe has published what appears to be an enemies list drawn up by Obama at the urging his wife and former president Clinton. In addition to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and oddly Dick Cheney, the list includes Alex Jones. Alex was included for his films, The Obama Deception and the forthcoming Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama.
The Globe cites sources close to the Obama administration.
“Obama is getting strategic guidance from Bill Clinton,” the report states. “Bill has met several times with Obama to discuss how he can counterattack his enemies, the source says. The most recent powwow was a 90-minute session at New York’s trendy Il Mulino restaurant on Sept. 14. As police and secret service surrounded the eatery, Bill sat with Obama plotting various ways to get even with his fiercest critics.” Clinton allegedly urged Obama to draw up an enemies list and “then take them down one by one.” According to the article, Obama intends to engage in “all-out mortal combat.”
Alex Jones indicates that if the Obama administration indeed has an official enemies list and his name is included he will consider taking legal action.
The 2009 VMAs: The Occult Mega-Ritual

Read Vigilant citizen article
Monday, September 28, 2009
Warning!! Pay for Obama Care or Go To Jail !!!
Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note Thursday from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.
Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty, Barthold wrote on JCT letterhead. He signed it "Sincerely, Thomas A. Barthold."
"We could be subjecting those very people who conscientiously, because they believe in the U.S. Constitution, we could be subjecting them to fines or the interpretation of a judge, all the way up to imprisonment," Ensign said. "That seems to me to be a problem."
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Flu causes heart attacks but vaccine protects??
"We believe influenza vaccination should be encouraged wherever indicated, especially in those people with existing cardiovascular disease," Charlotte Warren-Gash of University College London and colleagues wrote in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases.
"Further evidence is needed on the effectiveness of influenza vaccines to reduce the risk of cardiac events in people without established vascular disease."
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"Further evidence is needed on the effectiveness of influenza vaccines to reduce the risk of cardiac events in people without established vascular disease."
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California mulls legalising marijuana

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